Description of Enugu Diocesan Organogram
1. Enugu Diocesan Organogram looks like a house. It is not without a purpose. The house gives the idea of a home. Indeed, Enugu Diocese is a home for all. Enugu, as the historic Headquarters of former East Central State, draws people from all parts of the region and beyond. It welcomes all and accommodates all.
2. The bishop is the father of the Diocese. As the chief shepherd, he extends his two arms over the whole Diocese to shield it as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings. Equally, he has oversight of the whole diocese, but with the assistance of two major organs, namely, the Deans (Vicar Foranes) and the Episcopal Vicars. While the Deans look after different geographical areas of the diocese, Episcopal Vicars have different segments and special administrative areas entrusted to them. They all share in the ordinary administrative power of the bishop and are responsible to him.
3. Next to the bishop is the Vicar General; he is a local ordinary. At a subordinate level, he does what the bishop does; he assumes greater responsibility, however, when the bishop is absent from the diocese.
4. All the other organs shown in the Organogram are like the internal organs of the body. They are vital organs without which the diocese may not function well.
5. Among these internal organs, the Diocesan Secretary/Chancellor is found within the heart of the edifice. Although, he is not a local ordinary, he is the administrative engine of the diocese.
6. The major internal organs control the activities and determine the dynamism of the diocese. Their contributions in stimulating other organs and keeping the diocese going are invaluable.