Mission Commission

The duty of this Commission is to:
i. Ensure that there is mutual co-operation between this diocese and other dioceses as well as the Universal Church in matters pertaining to provision of personnel.

ii. Ensure that there is reciprocal co-operation between this diocese and other dioceses as well as the Universal Church in the field of pastoral collaboration and in the promotion of pastoral initiatives.

iii. Forge a system of co-operation in financial distribution between our diocese and other dioceses/the Universal Church.

iv. Ensure local moral and financial support for mission ventures of the diocese.

v. Provide a resource centre for mission ventures that would ensure that candidates who may have to embark on mission work are adequately and effectively prepared for it through systematic study – Missiology.

S/No. Name Portfolio
1 Most Rev. Callistus Onaga Co-ordinator
2 Msgr. Luke Adike Chairperson
3 Fr. Ambrose C. Agu Secretary
4 All members of the Consultors Members