
Area of Territory of the Diocese 2,738 Sq km
Population of the Diocese 1,993,271
Catholic Population 1,366,950
Enugu Diocesan Priests 423
Missionary Parish Priests 16
Other Priests in the Diocese 163
Religious Women 550
Nigerian Brothers 29
Brother Monks 60
Male Religious Congregations or Institutes 19
Male Religious Houses in the Diocese / Inmates 44/ 283
Female Religious Congregations or Institutes 28
Female Religious Houses in the Diocese / Inmates 81 / 584
Bishops 3
Total Religious Institutions (Male and Female) 47
Major Seminarians

Theology 100
Philosophy 75
Spiritual Year 22
Long Apostolic Work 27
Probation 25
Post-Theology Seminarians 26
Seminarians in Mainz, Germany 4
Minor Seminarians

Minor Seminarians 518
Total Number of Parishes 205
Total Number of Deaneries 6
Priests on Mission/Further Studies 11/73
Diocesan Priests in the Nigerian Forces 1
Diocesan Priests Resident in the Diocese 341
Diocesan priests resident elsewhere in the same country 9
Diocesan priests resident abroad 76
Resident priests incardinated into other Dioceses 29